FUKUDA Tamami (2014). "The History of Geography Commission covering a broad research themes", Chiri, 59 (5), p. 72-73.
GARCIA, João Carlos & GARCÍA-ÁLVAREZ, Jacobo (eds.): Historia da Geografia e colonialismo / History of Geography and Colonialism / Histoire de la Géographie et Colonialisme, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Geográficos (forthcoming / sous presse).
SHIMAZU Toshiyuki (ed.), Languages, materiality, and the construction of geographical modernities (Japanese contributions to the history of geographical thought, 10), Wakayama, Wakayama University - Department of geography, 2014, 117 p. (ISBN: 978-4-9900-5379-6).
Languages, Materiality, and the Construction of Geographical Modernities, 2014
© 2004-2019 — Responsables d'édition : Federico Ferreti federico.ferretti@ucd.ie